Overview — Valor CSR

Big companies have the resources to make sure they are getting the best return on their charitable investments: They ensure that their gifts are being put to good use, and that they’re receiving the best possible goodwill for them. Essentially, they’ve found a way to control and maximize their philanthropy budget.

How do they do it?

Big companies do two things:

  1. They hire one or more employees to manage their philanthropy program
  2. They create a corporate foundation to brand their corporate giving

The typical entry price for this solution? $200,000.

Valor CSR can provide your small to midsize company with the benefits of corporate social responsibility while bypassing that $200,000 entry fee. We set you up with your own corporate foundation, and provide all the services you would expect from an internal CSR person.

How does it work?

Big companies typically set up corporate foundations one-to-one with their company. A corporation will set up its own 501(c)3, have its own board of directors, and be responsible for its own governance, accounting, audit, and tax return.

Valor CSR can establish multiple corporate foundations under the umbrella of a single 501(c)3. That way the governance, accounting, audit, and tax return costs can be spread over many organizations.

The practical result is that businesses can now realize the benefits of their own corporate foundation for a fraction of the cost.

Instant Corporate Foundation


  • The status associated with having a corporate foundation
  • Significantly cheaper than a standard corporate foundation
  • Avoid all governance and regulatory risks

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Foundation Response Services


  • Save time by diverting all donation requests to us
  • Dedicated customer service for your grantees makes you seem much bigger than you are

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CSR Program Management


  • Maximize the benefits you receive from CSR programs
  • Significantly increase the public relations and marketing impact of your CSR programs

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